jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The English class and university

Today speak about the class English in to university and as I occupy idiom.

The topic user in to class for make the blogs I liked so much as always with topic I can speak things that liked or find out and learn more thing. Work with blogers is this one form the learn English as one practices the grammar and remember words and with is read.

I need to improve the form talk and pronunciation, as gives me great shame say something wrong. Also I must practice always the idiom because I usually forget thing or words and after I don’t know as speak or that say

This years I think that developed very much my English that other years because the blog and talk with me partner I help. Also is this one process that I followed during his four years as all years previous have credits.

The blog is this one good tool for count thing in English and write as not lose practices as I think that I will write things interesting or about travel that I want make to future, as travel blogs. Would be a shame leave the blog unused and lose information that I create these years in to university.

Nowadays I occupy the English first in class in to university, second the read text in to university in class for example economy, third in listen sig the group, fourth in see series to TV that are in English and fifth In speak with person the other country when I go to pub or other site (is very common that in all parts now speak English…)  

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

How green are you?

Hi blogers
Today question: How green are you?
In the word today there very much forms to help in the environmental that we have contaminated place naturals and change the climate.  For to help decreases this levels to contaminate is that create minimum activities or attitudes that we must continue.
The people learn practices for care the environmental first in the college (in the case to children). The new generation in her place study the learn help to care the place and as not should contaminate her space, that things make very harm, and as coexist in the word with the flora and fauna.
I have incorporate pro-recycling habits in my life as for example separate garbage by properties for that not harm to environmental. Other habits pro-recycling is create “eco-brickwork” and let them go to cultural center “Gabriela Mistral “for arm structures as house or other things.   
I have this one bike that occupy all the time for go university or other place. I love my bike as not contaminate and not spending money. Also I have to car that is the my mother for she not handles so that I management where she want to go (only long distances).
The organization that I support is green peace. Not donate diner why I am poor because I go to protested that organized. Also support to one organization university call “broken silver net” that defends this one place the university of Chile that this illegally occupied by a company . Where I graduate want contributes with my information a organization and to make thins pro-recycling.

Santiago lacks a stable policy on how to care for the environment and how to make decisions about environmental issues. We do not have effective laws nor stable daily actions. We have much to do.... 

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

The perfect song

Hi blogers
Today speak about the perfect song for me. This song is “Champagne supernova” the group Oasis. The song heard ago very long time, when I was in the college with me friends and was almost out the fourth means. I never had heard is song the oasis, as always know other and do not know, when out in me mp3, the changes. Is the song, remember one time wonderful in the school with me friends, where not did nothing, as was in the last process the school and shared the last days with very nostalgia.
The lyrics song say o speak about two person that are lost for cause the your own life and some time, in some place… This one sentence that I like so much is
This part song is the choir and for me is the part that sang with more forward jajajjajaja
The song is perfect why only the remember to make perfect and the person that I accompanied in the moments.
The only stories with is song that I remember is in the school, for November, when were in the last days the school, and we put the radio very much heavy with is song and sang up the table ajajajajaj  occupying the broom, shovel, case and pencil the microphone…. Are good memories for me

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

A video clip that I like

Hi blogers:
Today speak about, this one video that love me!.
This video Clip is the Michael Jackson, for me this one big artists the music in the word. This video, Michael Jackson to make for his sister Janet Jackson, other person that has wonderful voice. The video is called “scream”. This video was released in 13 June 1995 in MTV, then was viewed in TV open in the program “prime time live” the 14 June 1995 where had big tune. The director was Mar Romanek that call feel proud the work with Michael. “Scream” is this one video very much expansive in the history the videos musical, as cost 7.000.000 US $.
This video I like for me because is revolution for TV and for images shown and developed in that time.
I see video when I have twelve years old and stay surprised see as Janet and Michael moved, dancing and sang to other the see image in black and white as if were in the “outer space”.
Later, when I group up, more I liked!! Understood the meaning the video and as mixture the image with letter… And followed finding wonderful. Finally, I can count that always I want dancing and song as the brethren Jackson!!! Although create already is very late….  

sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013


Hi blogers:
Today, I speak about this one article located in the page web
http://www.theguardian.com/uk and I summarize to read. The article that I chose is the “Hiking in South Korea: trails and tribulations on the Baekdu Daegan”, located in http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2013/oct/25/hiking-south-korea-trails-baekdu-daegan-treks
The reporter Daniel Adamson does the trail North and South Korea for Baekdu Daegan. Daniel does the adventure together a his parent Somi what not convinced the go a Baekdu Daegan and visit the shamanic shrines and Buddhist temples that have been constructed during the last 1000 years. The first that both see went idol of a goddess called Songmo Halmae the valley to a Buddhist nun. The sculpture cared to town Korean  and describes it as “a primitive, archaic-looking stone thing, eyes fixed on nothing, dark with candles”. After, visit to the ruins sanctuary Songmo Halmae that was destroyed and poorly maintained to be the place sacred. In the Baekdu Daegan passed for Cheonwangbong,  other mountain sacred on the China-North Korea border where the believers the shamanism, Taoism, Buddhism and create created temples because say that is the place delivery energy vital the population  Korean. The path was last and exhausting so when the for days the tour arrived in the mountain Yeonhacheon from which take on taxi a town called Nochi Maeul.  In this place know a Umoni, this one people the town what live with her. Umoni showed them place in town and speak about the mores her culture saying the blessed what was the live in the Baekdu Daegan, the sacred mountains

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

A day I will always remember

The Christmas in my house not are very interesting in the last years. Always all are routine: Make to dinner every afternoon, put the table for dinner, eat the dinner Christmas and when it is twelve o’clock go to tree and see and open to gifts. Always are in family enjoy thing simple, but in the years 2011, for the Christmas one the friends collage call for me for go your house in the afternoon before the dinner to go find something. When it arrives in house, my friends showed some dogs newborns very small!, and all had not house, so, got it help search houses. Were three dogs, two woman and one man. I feel in love with a dog, was the most small, looked helpless, and very nice. I decided that day to take him with me and called “arroz” because was a yellow ball. When I got me home a seven O’clock with “arroz” in my arms, my mother was horrified because not like animals, but when she see very small and very nice the love. My sister was happy! Was the best gift Christmas… was Christmas very significant for all, with new constituent to family.
“Arroz” still lives with my family although grows much and not is dog small but all the loved so much. 

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Visit to!.....

Hi blogers!
Today I speak about the country that I like visit in the future.
My always liked España, is country very beautiful and my family is nationality Spanish, the region Lugo so I like visited is country. Lugo is the country the my great-grandfather with come a Chile search job and a better quality the live but his brothers is live in Lugo even  so I liked visited and know where my great-grandfather lived.
In Lugo I can do many thing as the country is this one more old region and have place historic for visit as the wall the Lugo call patrimony the humanity  and the cathedral the Lugo in addition to visit my distant relative and know the house and place here lived me great- grandfather. 
I would go with my mother and my sister small as they also want to visit the place where be born my great- grandfather. They are very happy the accompany for me because they not have been travel ever and would a trip in family where would take advantage the go other place or country the Spanish as Madrid, Sevilla, etc…

Lugo is a country the origin Roman, and was founded in the years 25 A.C (thus have more years).  Was a country that lived many dropouts and last time, was returning to have people in very amount. It have place interest, that were maintained in the last time and I want to know  

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

My ideal job

Hi blogers 
Today I speak about the ideal Job…  As I study geography and hope get out the geography graduate, I would like to first job therein for have very much money and do some that I really want, as put a rural school. I would like do class to children whether geography, general history, arts or language. I like do class and the pedagogy in general, therefore any one job where make pedagogy or where make class I like very much. Now job in the rural school I like more because a job whit child the places away for me make more sense. For to make this I should study pedagogy in the matter that I have to make class. I like the history and language therefore I should study hard these tow disciplines or only study this one and on second thought I prefer study history. This ideal job would good for me because help others teaching is this one that more I love. Job whit children is beautiful, see grow, run, be happy whit everything they teach is the really gratifying. The difficult the this profession is have the vocation necessary to not to tired and teach whit energy every day  

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

My biography

Hello!,  Today  come back to write the blog! And speak about  my biography…
My name is Camila Fernanda Sepúlveda Molina and be born in the commune the Independencia in the hospital JJ. Aguirre.
My mother  is Angelia Molina and my father is German Sepúlveda.
I have two sister. They is call Sofia (the minor) and Carola (the older).
I study in school catholic call Santa catalina laboure. In this place do great friends that still have whit the pass the time.
Today study in the university of chile, geography and  I am in me third year.
Me life is very dynamics, I take part the preuniversitario social named Jose Carrasco Tapia where make class the geography. Also I play piano from very much time, that my grandmother taught me and is passion for me because it relaxes me.  
I live in my house with my mother, my sister sofia, my grandmother the ninety five years old and my dog.
On  of the this I like to do is travel and for the time being I have traveled a Australia, Perú and Bolivia that was the last travel  did. This is travel I did whit friend the university and go on twenty days.
I not have the live very interesing but in spite os that I am very happy.

martes, 23 de julio de 2013

My blog!

Today, speak about my blog an exprerience of write.
I enjoy very much write blog in english because is funny and learn a lot. Learn about write very the latter, about the like the me parents and the datum interesting for eat or see tv.

 My favorite post is the program TV, where speak about 31 mintes, because this remember moments the infancy. Also, other favorite post is the photography, because this the momento the photoggraphy is one memont whit me friends  in the summer.
Me dislike post in the blog is the “londosn eyes”, because this I not know this place jajajajja.
The blog I enjoy Reading is the Nicole, the publication about program favorite because this the program I saw when small.
The blog very attractive for me, is the paz, because have very much colors and thing funny for read.
I think that the blog is good tool for perfect language and learn latter an as write best. In the blog always write about thing that a we us like, have this one matter, but select one thing in private do have interest in write.

viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

31 minutes!

Hi blogers!!!
Today, I will speak about the program TV that I like. The program TV thar speak is “31 minutos” or 31 minutes in English. I saw it when I have thirteen age or for very much time back. the TV show 31 minutes is the program the puppets that simulates the is one room the news, where there is an animator the TV whit their animator the sections. The program through the joke and laughter review very many aspects the live in the Chile. The program go the air the march the ago 2003 by producer aplaplac generating great expectation in viewers being the one is the program very many see for people in the Chile. The program had three seasons during 2003, 2004 and 2005 and sums this one move and show in live win different awards. I like too much 31 minutes because fun way showed the reality and criticized the way in which projects are carried in Chile. Creating songs that might not have made sense but they were pure wholesome fun in those days was Chilean television was much better than it is now which show nothing productive. the program is one of the few that delivers things that serve society. I leave one of my favorite episode on the end of the world jajajajjaaj 

in cuzco!

Hi blogers!!!
Today, I will speak about the photography that I like too much. The photography was take out long ago in the vacation the summer.  The photography is the summer, in the city Cuzco in the country Peru, in February for seventeen of the month the year 2013.
The photography samples the left a right Simona, Rosita, Camila (me) and Jordan together and the background the church, specific the cathedral city and around the square the parade grounds whit peoples the city an day ordinary.  The photography I like because sample in the moment the very much moments lived in the summer together friends, where we had many adventures and know culture different. The summer was in the moments for learn much and share whit people new. The experiences lived whit friends did that today we have higher confidence also share the career we did speak as long about things geography. Was entertained leave the Chile and explore other place as were also we a Bolivia and camp in the Sun Island. In conclusion, the picture shows a part of a very good trip and will always be remembered by all who we appear in the photo next to all that live.

domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Golfo di Napoli

Hi Blogers, today i will speak about somewhere i like to eat out.
I like very much to go out and eat, specially with my friends after classes. we usually go to fast-food places because of the price, but when we have enough money, we go to better places.
One of my favorites places to eat it’s Golfo di Napoli, located in ñuñoa, in the intersection between Av. Irarrazaval and Pedro de Valdivia. This restaurant serves italian food like pasta, lasagna, gnocchis and a delicious pizza. I like very much the Gnocchis with cheese, I always ordered it.
I always go to Golfo di Napoli with my university friends, because it’s cheap, serves a lot of food (I can’t eat a whole plate), and it’s a lovely place. You can also order to take home, and it’s a lot cheaper! The first time I went there, I enjoyed italian music alive while we were eating.
Another thing that i love of this place, it’s that the people who works in there, treats you very well, and after the waitress take you order, he gives you a basket with bread and homemade ricotta.

It’s a perfect place to celebrate birthdays and another festivities.

John Lennon

I blogers:
Today speak about a person who would like to know and that is died. The person is John Winston Ono Lennon (John Lennon) this one big music!.
John Lennon born on December 9 the 1940 and died on December 8 the 1980. It is a known musician and great creations. It was recognized composer and member of the beatles. It is one of the great musicians of the world hence I would like to know. I speak with John Lennon about the music present and her review. I like sings with him any song or better yet, hear him sing stand by me accompanied by a meal and a good wine. It would be very entertaining take pictures to remember and thus keep them for long. I would also like to compose a song for the world today, something that reflects what he can see from this new society very different from your time.

I would also ask him to teach me to play good guitar and piano or any instrument of your choice, it would be very entertaining to learn from it and then, play together a theme.
is very easy to dream of something!

Londo eyes

                                                      I blogers: 
Today I am speak about the Londo eyes or Millennium Wheel, one place the Londres that I like a lot. The Londos eyes is one structure giant with 135 m that it have form circle and that on the outside has other circle more small where the people can pull up and see the city while the circle big tour.
The Londo eyes located on the western end of Jubilee Gardens, on the South Bank of the Thames, London Borough of Lambeth, between Westminster and Hungerford bridges.  To reach the eyes Londo should take the train anywhere you find or get to the if you are not close and go to waterloo train station then, you should go to leave six to the South Bank and follow the signs. There is also a bus from the place itself is free but you must reserve it in advance. If you want to go on the city bus routes are 211, 77 and 381.
The ticket for enter to Londo eyes are the different price on what you want to rise to the capsules. The ticket existing are: (1 standard Input£17,28 (2 Flexible Standard Input: £20,28 (3 Entrance with priority boarding: £26,25 (4 Flexible input priority boarding: £31,75 (5 Experience with champagne: £31,54 (6 Login night and dusk: £17,28. The people when going a Londos eyes can upload the capsule and see the city from high above and in that add other activities as drink champagne. I like the visit this place because is very beautyfull the look that has the city. 

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

The arts of Da Vinci:

I like to much the art!, I can say that there many paint that I like bat there this one artist that I admire. The artist is Leinardo Da Vinci. I like a long time age, from the I have twelve age. Da Vicni is one artist very complete because He work in sundry areas. He created paint, scientific theories about the human body, different machine that are for the war, for fly and for very everyday occasions. I was a Da Vinci –An Exhibition of Genious, this one exhibition the artista. I was the 2008, whit my cousin that also likes very Da vinci. It exhibition is see above the 200 objects create for Da Vinci. What I liked most is the drawing about the anatomy the body human, where specific speak about embryo. Also I like the paints call “jesus baptism” where he shows the quality the her paint.
Da vinci is the big artist. I recommend study her life, also is very interesting know how was your life and how grew and created her art. I feel happy the know more close the live the Da vinci and her creation. Da vinci left great advances in the science, the paint, the technology and therefore  must disclose his work. 

martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Hi blogrs:
Today speak about the beach!. It is beautiful place.
My favorite beach is The Canelo Canelillo, located in the central coast the region Metropolitana. It is the very small creek, locked between walls rocky. The beach has the climate very nice and is very family for be whit the friends or family. The beach Canelo Canelillo is located the south the “rada de algarrobo” and for north for “island the birds children”. To get to the beach first you may go the “Quisco” or for “Algarrobo” (there are two entry the central coast).
I like visited the beach always, bat the last time I not go the beach for homework’s the university.
I went the last summer  in February.  
In the Beach “Canelo Canelillo” you can swim, playing the soccer and volleyball, sunbathe and share whit friends or family. Is the place very quit to share.
I like the place because is very beautiful. Before to get in the beach you can see park the “pino insigne”.  Walk for the park is beautiful and get to the beach after the pass for the landscape ago everything more awesome.  The house where my family be is the wood as the field and is very welcoming. The environment is relax, you feel tranquility and not want get out never!

domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

Hi blogers:
Today speak about this one film what saw in the cinema.
The film is very nice, The name is Up!: an adventure in height but is more known as Up. the movie is an animated  and adventure where one boys and one old man they liven the adventure together.  It is producer by pixar animation studios and shown to the public by Disney word.
The movie speaks about the old man the call Carl what lose your wife (she died) and live very angry last time. He meets Rusell (the boys scout) what makes live adventure up the house the Carl. The house fly by balloons what that are above.
I saw the movie the 2009 year when it came out to the public. The film took very much public and was very famous.
I was whit my sister and two friends.
I like the film full, is very nice. Dialog about the live and as over time people change and as may again change by events important.  Everything the film I liked, I did not taste anything.
I recommend the movie, is very beautiful and speaks of things not all the movies speak.
I was get excited to film scenes especially when the old man remembers his dead wife.

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

My ambition

Hi friends:
Today speak about is the ambition in my life. In the future I imagination one life calm. I want travel for the word, especially want will go a Europa and visit my friends in spain and live through new experience. One the experience new what want live is learn a cook recipe for the culture that visit, If beside I want write one the book when I am adult and have the knowledge for do about the travel that do.
I want do class in the school, to do this I have to learn and study pedagogy which need time. The pedagogy is one the thing that I like most, it is passion.
I would like accomplish whit my ambitions because they are important for my life and my development how person, if beside for my family it is very important to see my happy.
My ambition the inspired for one part my family and my aim as person for to make thing good for the people. For me is very important have thing for assist the other.
For accomplish my ambition I going to work and learn the necessary, I going to study the topics that have relation whit my ambition. I going to exert my oneself!

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

This one very good song!

Hi friends:

Today speak about on song we like. The song is very beautiful, and is sing for Juana fe, this one group Chilean what is formation a bit time. The sing is called “Chiquitita” and the write Juanito Ayala, the vocalist band. The first time I listen to sing was in summer. I was this one party in the house of a friend called Claudia. They were doing roasted.

Juana fe is a style of music that mixes different rhythm popular how Salsa, Cumbia, and Rumba. They are part the bands a new rhythm latinoamericano.

I like the sing because I remember very good moments as one my friends and besides the letter is very beautiful considering that speak about the love that this one boy what go far. The sing is for this one woman what he called “chiquitita” and feel that have to protect beside he wants to stay whit her. I listen to sing when want a feel happy and relax. Is a very good sing!

martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

Hi friends:
Today, I am going to talk
about on the book for read. In generally I love the reading but
today committee recommends
my favorite book. It is called “Demian” and wrote Hermann Hesse the nationality Germany. I read in the summer, travel for Bolivia in the time free or in the time the travel in bus and airplane, in the month February. I delay nine day in finish to book because is very interesting and it characters think things very crazy on the live. I found the book “Demian” for one friend from school who was recommended and he loved the book. I like the book “Demian” because the character principal called Emil Sinclair speaks about Demian, one friend the Demian who think thing different from the era and do think on the reason that you have in the life. The book is very
philosophical and searches for the meaning of life.


sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

The Antipoet

Poetry is one of the most beautiful art in the world.
the poet Nicanor Parra is one of the few who calls himself "anti-poet" in poetry.
Nicanor Parra Sandoval was born on September 5, 1914 in San Fabian in Ñuble. He is a poet who studied pedagogy in mathematics and physics at the University of Chile, then traveled to the U.S. to study at Brown University Advanced mechanical and finished his studies in England at Oxford University to study cosmology.
It is part of the family Parra being the big brother. He has won the National Award in 1969 litertua and the Cervantes Prize in 2011 as one of the most important poets of our country. One of my favorite books written by the poet is "Visual artifacts", a work which shows in his antipoetry drawings.  Recommended reading!