jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

My ideal job

Hi blogers 
Today I speak about the ideal Job…  As I study geography and hope get out the geography graduate, I would like to first job therein for have very much money and do some that I really want, as put a rural school. I would like do class to children whether geography, general history, arts or language. I like do class and the pedagogy in general, therefore any one job where make pedagogy or where make class I like very much. Now job in the rural school I like more because a job whit child the places away for me make more sense. For to make this I should study pedagogy in the matter that I have to make class. I like the history and language therefore I should study hard these tow disciplines or only study this one and on second thought I prefer study history. This ideal job would good for me because help others teaching is this one that more I love. Job whit children is beautiful, see grow, run, be happy whit everything they teach is the really gratifying. The difficult the this profession is have the vocation necessary to not to tired and teach whit energy every day  

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