jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Visit to!.....

Hi blogers!
Today I speak about the country that I like visit in the future.
My always liked España, is country very beautiful and my family is nationality Spanish, the region Lugo so I like visited is country. Lugo is the country the my great-grandfather with come a Chile search job and a better quality the live but his brothers is live in Lugo even  so I liked visited and know where my great-grandfather lived.
In Lugo I can do many thing as the country is this one more old region and have place historic for visit as the wall the Lugo call patrimony the humanity  and the cathedral the Lugo in addition to visit my distant relative and know the house and place here lived me great- grandfather. 
I would go with my mother and my sister small as they also want to visit the place where be born my great- grandfather. They are very happy the accompany for me because they not have been travel ever and would a trip in family where would take advantage the go other place or country the Spanish as Madrid, Sevilla, etc…

Lugo is a country the origin Roman, and was founded in the years 25 A.C (thus have more years).  Was a country that lived many dropouts and last time, was returning to have people in very amount. It have place interest, that were maintained in the last time and I want to know  

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