miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

How green are you?

Hi blogers
Today question: How green are you?
In the word today there very much forms to help in the environmental that we have contaminated place naturals and change the climate.  For to help decreases this levels to contaminate is that create minimum activities or attitudes that we must continue.
The people learn practices for care the environmental first in the college (in the case to children). The new generation in her place study the learn help to care the place and as not should contaminate her space, that things make very harm, and as coexist in the word with the flora and fauna.
I have incorporate pro-recycling habits in my life as for example separate garbage by properties for that not harm to environmental. Other habits pro-recycling is create “eco-brickwork” and let them go to cultural center “Gabriela Mistral “for arm structures as house or other things.   
I have this one bike that occupy all the time for go university or other place. I love my bike as not contaminate and not spending money. Also I have to car that is the my mother for she not handles so that I management where she want to go (only long distances).
The organization that I support is green peace. Not donate diner why I am poor because I go to protested that organized. Also support to one organization university call “broken silver net” that defends this one place the university of Chile that this illegally occupied by a company . Where I graduate want contributes with my information a organization and to make thins pro-recycling.

Santiago lacks a stable policy on how to care for the environment and how to make decisions about environmental issues. We do not have effective laws nor stable daily actions. We have much to do.... 

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Cami! we learned a lot about environmental policies with Kay :)

  2. Hi Cami !! I think the same !! ... Definitely We have much to do....
