jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The English class and university

Today speak about the class English in to university and as I occupy idiom.

The topic user in to class for make the blogs I liked so much as always with topic I can speak things that liked or find out and learn more thing. Work with blogers is this one form the learn English as one practices the grammar and remember words and with is read.

I need to improve the form talk and pronunciation, as gives me great shame say something wrong. Also I must practice always the idiom because I usually forget thing or words and after I don’t know as speak or that say

This years I think that developed very much my English that other years because the blog and talk with me partner I help. Also is this one process that I followed during his four years as all years previous have credits.

The blog is this one good tool for count thing in English and write as not lose practices as I think that I will write things interesting or about travel that I want make to future, as travel blogs. Would be a shame leave the blog unused and lose information that I create these years in to university.

Nowadays I occupy the English first in class in to university, second the read text in to university in class for example economy, third in listen sig the group, fourth in see series to TV that are in English and fifth In speak with person the other country when I go to pub or other site (is very common that in all parts now speak English…)  

3 comentarios:

  1. Camila!!!!
    Both we know what english is difficult, I hope that we will not let's look at the next semester in english jajajaja

    Bye :P

  2. Hi Cami. some day I we can a fluid and understandable conversation in English jajajjajaja

  3. Hi Camila. Practicing is very good and if you practice with yur friends it's even better.

    English is here to stay and we need to conquer the language before it conquers us.

