jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The English class and university

Today speak about the class English in to university and as I occupy idiom.

The topic user in to class for make the blogs I liked so much as always with topic I can speak things that liked or find out and learn more thing. Work with blogers is this one form the learn English as one practices the grammar and remember words and with is read.

I need to improve the form talk and pronunciation, as gives me great shame say something wrong. Also I must practice always the idiom because I usually forget thing or words and after I don’t know as speak or that say

This years I think that developed very much my English that other years because the blog and talk with me partner I help. Also is this one process that I followed during his four years as all years previous have credits.

The blog is this one good tool for count thing in English and write as not lose practices as I think that I will write things interesting or about travel that I want make to future, as travel blogs. Would be a shame leave the blog unused and lose information that I create these years in to university.

Nowadays I occupy the English first in class in to university, second the read text in to university in class for example economy, third in listen sig the group, fourth in see series to TV that are in English and fifth In speak with person the other country when I go to pub or other site (is very common that in all parts now speak English…)  

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

How green are you?

Hi blogers
Today question: How green are you?
In the word today there very much forms to help in the environmental that we have contaminated place naturals and change the climate.  For to help decreases this levels to contaminate is that create minimum activities or attitudes that we must continue.
The people learn practices for care the environmental first in the college (in the case to children). The new generation in her place study the learn help to care the place and as not should contaminate her space, that things make very harm, and as coexist in the word with the flora and fauna.
I have incorporate pro-recycling habits in my life as for example separate garbage by properties for that not harm to environmental. Other habits pro-recycling is create “eco-brickwork” and let them go to cultural center “Gabriela Mistral “for arm structures as house or other things.   
I have this one bike that occupy all the time for go university or other place. I love my bike as not contaminate and not spending money. Also I have to car that is the my mother for she not handles so that I management where she want to go (only long distances).
The organization that I support is green peace. Not donate diner why I am poor because I go to protested that organized. Also support to one organization university call “broken silver net” that defends this one place the university of Chile that this illegally occupied by a company . Where I graduate want contributes with my information a organization and to make thins pro-recycling.

Santiago lacks a stable policy on how to care for the environment and how to make decisions about environmental issues. We do not have effective laws nor stable daily actions. We have much to do.... 

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

The perfect song

Hi blogers
Today speak about the perfect song for me. This song is “Champagne supernova” the group Oasis. The song heard ago very long time, when I was in the college with me friends and was almost out the fourth means. I never had heard is song the oasis, as always know other and do not know, when out in me mp3, the changes. Is the song, remember one time wonderful in the school with me friends, where not did nothing, as was in the last process the school and shared the last days with very nostalgia.
The lyrics song say o speak about two person that are lost for cause the your own life and some time, in some place… This one sentence that I like so much is
This part song is the choir and for me is the part that sang with more forward jajajjajaja
The song is perfect why only the remember to make perfect and the person that I accompanied in the moments.
The only stories with is song that I remember is in the school, for November, when were in the last days the school, and we put the radio very much heavy with is song and sang up the table ajajajajaj  occupying the broom, shovel, case and pencil the microphone…. Are good memories for me

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

A video clip that I like

Hi blogers:
Today speak about, this one video that love me!.
This video Clip is the Michael Jackson, for me this one big artists the music in the word. This video, Michael Jackson to make for his sister Janet Jackson, other person that has wonderful voice. The video is called “scream”. This video was released in 13 June 1995 in MTV, then was viewed in TV open in the program “prime time live” the 14 June 1995 where had big tune. The director was Mar Romanek that call feel proud the work with Michael. “Scream” is this one video very much expansive in the history the videos musical, as cost 7.000.000 US $.
This video I like for me because is revolution for TV and for images shown and developed in that time.
I see video when I have twelve years old and stay surprised see as Janet and Michael moved, dancing and sang to other the see image in black and white as if were in the “outer space”.
Later, when I group up, more I liked!! Understood the meaning the video and as mixture the image with letter… And followed finding wonderful. Finally, I can count that always I want dancing and song as the brethren Jackson!!! Although create already is very late….