martes, 23 de julio de 2013

My blog!

Today, speak about my blog an exprerience of write.
I enjoy very much write blog in english because is funny and learn a lot. Learn about write very the latter, about the like the me parents and the datum interesting for eat or see tv.

 My favorite post is the program TV, where speak about 31 mintes, because this remember moments the infancy. Also, other favorite post is the photography, because this the momento the photoggraphy is one memont whit me friends  in the summer.
Me dislike post in the blog is the “londosn eyes”, because this I not know this place jajajajja.
The blog I enjoy Reading is the Nicole, the publication about program favorite because this the program I saw when small.
The blog very attractive for me, is the paz, because have very much colors and thing funny for read.
I think that the blog is good tool for perfect language and learn latter an as write best. In the blog always write about thing that a we us like, have this one matter, but select one thing in private do have interest in write.

viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

31 minutes!

Hi blogers!!!
Today, I will speak about the program TV that I like. The program TV thar speak is “31 minutos” or 31 minutes in English. I saw it when I have thirteen age or for very much time back. the TV show 31 minutes is the program the puppets that simulates the is one room the news, where there is an animator the TV whit their animator the sections. The program through the joke and laughter review very many aspects the live in the Chile. The program go the air the march the ago 2003 by producer aplaplac generating great expectation in viewers being the one is the program very many see for people in the Chile. The program had three seasons during 2003, 2004 and 2005 and sums this one move and show in live win different awards. I like too much 31 minutes because fun way showed the reality and criticized the way in which projects are carried in Chile. Creating songs that might not have made sense but they were pure wholesome fun in those days was Chilean television was much better than it is now which show nothing productive. the program is one of the few that delivers things that serve society. I leave one of my favorite episode on the end of the world jajajajjaaj 

in cuzco!

Hi blogers!!!
Today, I will speak about the photography that I like too much. The photography was take out long ago in the vacation the summer.  The photography is the summer, in the city Cuzco in the country Peru, in February for seventeen of the month the year 2013.
The photography samples the left a right Simona, Rosita, Camila (me) and Jordan together and the background the church, specific the cathedral city and around the square the parade grounds whit peoples the city an day ordinary.  The photography I like because sample in the moment the very much moments lived in the summer together friends, where we had many adventures and know culture different. The summer was in the moments for learn much and share whit people new. The experiences lived whit friends did that today we have higher confidence also share the career we did speak as long about things geography. Was entertained leave the Chile and explore other place as were also we a Bolivia and camp in the Sun Island. In conclusion, the picture shows a part of a very good trip and will always be remembered by all who we appear in the photo next to all that live.